to better explain what i mean, imagine you're sitting around a table with your friends playing the classic board game monopoly. although these people really are your friends, in the context of the game, their goal is to win at everyone else's expense. in serving their own interests, they act in ways that don't serve yours and in fact may sometimes be in direct opposition to your interests. in this way it can be said that you and your friends have competing interests.
the customer and the vendor are generally not competing with each other in the conventional sense, but their interests are not aligned and in some cases the interests do compete. you as a customer have an interest in keeping your computers, intellectual property, banking credentials, etc. safe and secure. vendors also have an interest in that to a certain extent, but protecting you and your stuff is not a vendor's highest priority.
vendors are companies. as such their highest priority is the bottom line. without the bottom line, the company ceases to be. companies don't just start up out of thin air, they need money; which means they have investors and those investors expect a good return on their investment, or else it's not a good investment and they might not invest anymore in the future, or maybe even pull out their stake in the company. companies also have operating expenses. they need to pay to keep the lights on and the machines running, and they need to pay their employees who themselves have expenses (families they need to feed and put roofs over their heads). therefore the company has to make profit it's priority. the way vendors make money is by vending - they sell a product and the more product they sell the more money they make.
in theory if the product is good then they'll sell more of it, but it doesn't need to be good enough to stop all the threats to you or your stuff - vendors aren't competing with the bad guys, they're competing with each other, so they only need to be better than other vendors. what's more, since technical 'goodness' is difficult for customers to accurately quantify, the vendor only needs their product to be perceived to be good. technical quality is still required up to a point, of course, because you can't fool all the people all the time. but, since your buying decisions as a customer are based on perception, and that perception can be altered/manipulated more cheaply through marketing than through technological advancement, companies engage in this kind of shortcut to help them maintain or even advance their market position.
how does this compete with your interests as a defender of yourself and stuff? well, in a few different ways, actually:
- by conventional falsehood, they make their product out to be better than it is and so draw you away from something that may actually suit your needs better (example: look at any vendor that's ever claimed to be able to take care of all/100% of any kind of threat)
- by omission, they make solving your security problems seem easier than they really are because nobody wants to make the customer swallow a bitter pill about how much work is really involved in staying safe, especially when their competitors aren't doing it (example: how many vendors will tell you about what you need to do when their product doesn't work? how many will even talk about that scenario?)
- by framing the issue, they make the customer think about the customer's security issues in the vendor's terms, thereby favouring the vendor's proposed 'solution' rather than formulating strategies to meet the customers own unique, individual needs (example: a number of anti-malware vendors used to provide generic detective controls in the form of integrity checkers, but those seem to be mostly gone now and vendors instead talk about technologies based on having varying degrees and types of knowledge about threats, while 'generic detection' (of a different sort) has become a glossed over, value added feature of their scanners)
all of these work against your interests in protecting yourself and your stuff. they work against you finding the best tool for your job, or figuring out everything you need to do, or even knowing there's more to it than just using the vendor's product.
before you get the wrong idea, i don't want you to think this is a condemnation of the people who work for vendors. individually, many of them may well be much closer to being your friend and being on your side than the company they work for as a whole is. their interests are never perfectly aligned with yours, of course. you won't see them sacrificing their own interests (their families, their money, their jobs) for your benefit, and you wouldn't really expect them to, would you? some of them (a scant few when you consider the total number that security vendors employ) will sacrifice some of their time and energy to help people (whether their company's customers or no) learn about the threats that are out there and thus be better armed against those threats. just because someone works for a vendor doesn't mean their character is a reflection of the character of the corporate entity that employs them. yes, companies are run by people but it's their collective behaviour that makes the character of the company. the phrase "none of us are as cruel as all of us" doesn't just apply to anonymous, nor does it just apply to cruelty.
i also don't want you to think this is a condemnation of vendor companies either. remember, they're not exactly enemies in the conventional sense, but rather adversaries. as much as i tend to refer to them as bad actors, or irresponsible, or any number of other judgmental labels, i can't really see how they could work any other way. the judgments are really just a way of highlighting the divergence of interests between the vendor and the customer. there is some variation in the degree to which they do the the things that they do, of course. smaller companies are more easily influenced by noble ideals, in part because of size and in part because they have less at stake and so can afford to be more 'innovative' in how they operate. it doesn't always work that way, and it doesn't mean their bottom line isn't still the bottom line, but some take a more scenic route to their goals.
that being said, the fact remains that vendors' interests do not align with those of their customers (i.e. you). that means it's important to take what they say with a grain of salt and to evaluate whether the things they say or do or produce are really of actual benefit to you. pick over what they have to offer, take what you can use and throw away the rest. in essence, forage on the enemy.
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