Initiate Hardware Inventory

Here is the scripting code in both powershell and VBScript to initiate a hardware inventory in both SMS and SCCM. The backend calls are the same in both SMS and SCCM, so both scripts will work in either app.

 Function InitiateHardwareInventory{  
$SCCMClient = [wmiclass] "\\localhost\root\ccm:SMS_Client"

 Sub InitiateHardwareInventory()  
On Error Resume Next
DIM oCPAppletMgr : Set oCPAppletMgr = CreateObject("CPApplet.CPAppletMgr")
DIM oClientAction : Set oClientAction = Nothing
DIM oClientActions : Set oClientActions = oCPAppletMgr.GetClientActions()
For Each oClientAction In oClientActions
If oClientAction.Name = "Hardware Inventory Collection Cycle" Then
End If
End Sub

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